Privacy Policy

 This Privacy Policy governs the manner in which our application collects, uses,

 maintains, and discloses information collected from user groups within the application.

Collected Data:

We collect the following group data: group name, group link, group country,group description,group app, and group category.

Use of Data:

The collected data is used to display group links to users within the application.

The data is used to improve the user experience and provide relevant content.

Data Sharing:

Group data is not shared with any third parties and remains within the scope of the application only.

Data Protection:

We implement security measures to protect the group data, including the use of encrypted communication protocols and other security technologies.

User Rights:

Users have the right to request the deletion or modification of their group data by contacting our support team.

Cookies and Tracking Technologies:

We may use cookies and other tracking technologies to enhance the performance of the application and analyze user usage.

Changes to the Privacy Policy:

We may update the Privacy Policy from time to time, and users will be notified of any changes through an in-
